Angeliki Tarsani

"Nourish your body and soul well for a better life"

My name is Angeliki Tarsani, and I am a Dietitian (RD) – Nutritionist.

As a welcoming message, I will confess to you that I believe in your uniqueness. Each person is unique and special, and as such unique and special is his/her relationship with their dietary choices and nutritional habits.

I will, also, tell you that you deserve to have good health and overall wellbeing.

Lastly, I believe that you can achieve your goals and fulfil your dreams.

So, here I am to help you build a good relationship with food consumption and improve your eating habits, as this is the means in achieving good physical and mental health. I am, also, here to provide guidance and dietary advice in whatever clinical condition you may be facing.

I would be delighted to talk to you about the many ways that I can help, support, and guide you to achieve your dietary and nutrition goals. Just fill in the contact me form and let’s embark in a life changing journey!

Angeliki Tarsani - Dietitian



I always urge the people I work with to express their concerns about their dietary changes they want to implement and the obstacles that prevent them. Building trust in our relationship makes it easier to help and advice.

Continuous personal support

Nutritional advice and guidance are provided individually and in continuous contact with you. Buy fully understanding your needs, I am able to help you and support you throughout your endeavours.

Implementing nutritional advice

Discover techniques and practices to make it easier to facilitate nutritional changes in your daily life. Develop self-management skills and find the means to achieve your goals.

Long lasting results

The best way to achieve overall and long-term results is to adopt a balanced and varied diet. Next to me you will not only achieve your current goals, but you will also learn how to maintain these changes in your later life.


In the first session a detailed record of your medical and family history, medication, food consumption habits and patterns, food preferences and aversions, as well as overall lifestyle and exercise habits is taken.

Following sessions will be taking place once a week, every week. During these sessions we will be discussing the progress made from the previous week towards achieving your end goals and we will be setting up milestones for the following week.

Following the completion of the consultation period and the achievement of your health goals, there is the option of conducting less frequent sessions (for instance every 2 or 3 months).

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angeliki tarsani